Saturday, November 12, 2005


My name is Don Wharton.

I am a director of the Washington Area Secular Humanists as of this post. I have written many essays for WASHline, the newsletter for that organization. See: Their green book project will also have my essay on Free will and Determinism. I am on the steering committee for the Association of Secularists USA, ASUSA. We have a web site, for that organization. I have essays on cosmology, evolution, government and religion for that web site. I maintain on-line discussion listserves for these two organization as well as others for the Washington Ethical Society. I have written posts of significant philosophical complexity for discussions in all of these listserves. The most significant is my essay on A Theory of Ethical Value. I take strong exception to the notion that ethical value is somehow incompatible with science.

This blog has been created to make selections from these efforts available to everyone in one central location. I hope those who visit my blog find wisdom from a secular perspective to justify the name I have chosen for my blog.

Don Wharton

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